Credit: CPB Contractors



彩宝网平台的无障碍顾问团队在无障碍项目的实施中发挥着主导作用,并为复杂问题提供切实有效的解决方案. 彩宝网平台的专家就相关无障碍立法的各个方面进行咨询, such as the Disability Discrimination Act, the Disability (Access to Premises – Buildings) Standards, 2010 (“The Premises Standards”) and the National Construction Code (NCC). 许多也都是Access Institute合格的研究生,接受Access Consulting的培训和教育, 使彩宝网平台能够提供全面的无障碍顾问服务.

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Key Services


Access Code + Regulations

As accredited and Access Institute qualified access consultants, 彩宝网平台已知悉所有适用于现有楼宇及新发展项目的相关法例规定. 彩宝网平台知道所有的法规,所以你不必担心规章制度. We work proactively with architects, building designers, builders, 项目经理和开发人员实现满足所有相关的可访问性需求的设计,同时确保维护设计意图.

Universal Design

通用设计是对环境的设计和构成,使其能够被访问, understood and used to the greatest extent possible by all people, regardless of age, size, ability or disability. Through our consulting services, we can help you incorporate universal access design into your projects, resulting in a more user-friendly development for all occupants. Early design involvement is crucial to achieving best outcomes.

Livable + Accessible Housing

彩宝网平台涵盖了公寓设计指南和SEPP 65要求的所有级别的宜居住房标准,并协助设计符合相关的宜居标准. 由于适应性住房是大多数地方议会发展控制计划和住宅发展政策所要求的, 彩宝网平台提供符合AS4299-1995标准的设计评估,并就建筑设计的适应性措施提供建议. Specialising in Special Disability Accommodation and LHA projects, 彩宝网平台的团队提供从设计和施工评估到可行性的服务, property advice, designing, planning and approvals.

Access Performance Solutions

当你不能严格遵守《彩宝网平台》的认定满足要求时, a performance-based solution will be required. 彩宝网平台对现有楼宇的出入处所标准有深入的了解, 怎样才能让彩宝网平台有能力评估与新作品有关的“受影响的部分”. 彩宝网平台的访问性能解决方案为不合规问题提供了一种常识性方法, or where more innovative approaches are needed. We provide reasonable, 以符合成本效益的方法,使现有建筑物或有文物要求的建筑物符合法例要求.

Events Planning

Event accessibility is a much misunderstood and contentious topic. 建筑环境和社会活动的构造方式可能使残疾人难以方便地使用设施. 彩宝网平台与大型活动组织者合作的丰富经验使彩宝网平台能够制定实用的无障碍和包容性计划, helping to ensure the whole event is accessible to the entire community. 未能成功地在各个阶段为残疾人的需求做好计划,对组织者来说是一个重大的风险.

Master Planning Reviews

We undertake reviews of masterplan designs to assess access compliance. An early-stage accessibility review is essential for design compliance, 给予设计团队推进设计所需的保证. 让开发人员和架构师在流程的早期参与进来,可以使无障碍设计特性更加无缝地集成在一起, 同时帮助合并关键原则并处理遵从性问题. 在后期进行更改可能代价高昂,并导致重大延误.

Disability Discrimination Act (DDA)

建筑发展的无障碍要求正变得越来越复杂. 彩宝网平台的专家团队可以帮助您正确考虑《彩宝网平台》(DDA),因为它适用于建筑通道, educational facilities and transport facilities. Through early intervention, construction phase inspections, compliance advice and formulating disability action plans, 彩宝网平台帮助确保开发符合相关的DDA可访问性要求.

Design – Access

彩宝网平台提供实用的设计方案,使楼宇处所无障碍, 确保您的设计和构建对每个公众成员都是可访问的. 可访问性概念和规划审查从项目开始就开始,并持续到关键阶段, so that the project is designed correctly for access, avoiding costly redesign later. 彩宝网平台遵循州和地方议会的要求,以实现合规的解决方案.

Building Upgrades - Access

虽然立法要求对现有建筑进行升级以提高可达性, the extent is limited to the “affected part” of the path of travel. 了解强制升级需求的参数非常重要. 利用彩宝网平台在建筑升级无障碍标准方面的丰富知识和经验, 彩宝网平台可以进行场地审核,为您的特定建筑确定最佳的通道解决方案.

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